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Policy Feedback is now sticky. It will not be removed. (2 Viewers)

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I picked no, simply because I want limitations put on leaving feedback. I really like the idea of premium only feedback as that gives the site some dollars. I also agree that there should have to actually have been a transaction in order to leave feedback. Not being able to come to an agreement on terms before a job is performed is not a reason to leave bad feedback.
I don't think it's smart to not allow free people to even make a transaction or leave feedback. I agree with visionz that anyone can leave feedback but if someone leaves feedback because they were ignored when they lowballed someone... Then you punish them.

So perhaps if there was a limit it would be x days till allowed to leave feedback. But completely denying a new person to leave feedback doesn't seem right. Everyone has to start somewhere and I don't think forcing someone to pay just to buy a few krono is good. It would most likely deter people from staying on the site. Let the other limitations be why they pay the site. There are lots of reasons to pay for premium.
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I honestly believe some of the users here decided they did not have enough positive feedback and wanted to pad their stats using VPNs, and VM's etc they created ectunnel accounts and left themselves and their friends positive feedback when no deal was ever completed.

Regardless I think we should delete all non verified non premium positive feedback so we have a true accounting and to prevent fraudulent positive feedback that I do believe is being done.

If 5 people agree with me Redbot will open a poll.

Help Make ECtunnel great again guys! It is my goal to have all the fraudlent feedback wiped off of the boards! And to get these wholesalesers/flippers off of the site. They are bad for the game and the community. They are essentially parasites. They are setting our prices and economy IRL and in game when they dont even play the game at a level that would afford them to sell any services or goods. The only way they can get their hands on krono is to buy it cheap and sell it higher. And guess who they are buying it from? The degenerates that are cheating for profit on truebox servers that don't allow automated gameplay among other rules that they are obviously breaking. So its like this double edged sword where the actual casual player is just getting stabbed, hacked, and slashed by these degens. And the legit players who care about the game and the community are also getting screwed over.

I have always been against wholesalers and flippers even when I was close friends with the biggest one of all time (May he RIP) and he accepted how I felt and even agreed with me that what he was doing was strictly bad for the game, the community, and the economy.

And in case any of you dont realize it. Wholesalers and flippers are the reason we cant do account to account transfers anymore. IE: You cant take your alt on one account that you may want to box on a second account and transfer it there. This is because the wholesalers and flippers would buy accounts strip them put the toon on a clean new account and then resell it stripped. Those people are gone now. But their impact is still felt to this day and we are all being punished for their misdeeds that they profited off of.

And because of the ramptant cheating, vming, scripting etc they are releasing a 2 box max server. Which I am a fan of simply because I no longer wish to play with the cheaters. And I know they are going to try and come their with an army claiming its their "family playing with them" or whatever bullshit excuses they can come up with. I really do hope the 2 box server stays safe from the fuckheads who cant actually play the game and resort to full afk scripted play. This is not online currency for you to mine this is a social game with real people and a community.

At this point it makes you wonder doesnt it? Are they paying someone on the inside for protection?
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I agree and I've learned a lot from you by taking your advice on a lot of things. It makes for a pretty unsafe environment for people who truly don't know.. like myself. Shoot, I'm just trying to play the game! I try to only deal in verified, premium.. particularly now that I know more through your guidance. It sounds reasonable to me. Why wouldn't you, for the sake of business, be willing to literally take just a few minutes to go through the process... what's the big deal anyway?? Unless you intentionally have something to hide.

I don't think having it be almost an exclusive "club" for safety purposes would be a bad idea.. but just my thoughts..
I do agree that it's been a problem in the past of people making new accounts and boosting their own feedbacks with fake accounts. But I'm not as worried about unverified users leaving feedback as I am other issues surrounding feedback. I'm more concerned with someone leaving feedback way later down the line when something gets banned that they bought from you. Or they bought a krono off you, then go train 45 people and blame you for being banned, etc.
Ok I guess I will weigh in.. above post negative feedback will not be removed... this has problem written all over it, someone makes a account as we have been seeing and get warned then banned but leaves bad feedback how is that ok. this makes anyone able to give a bad rep to anyone without cause or justification. there are more banned people here daily than I have ever seen and I have no doubt they are doing wrong, yes I believe only rated sellers buyers with over a certain number of positive feedback or verified should be able to leave feedback. if new ones have a problem there should be a moniter thread to deal with them and if there claim is legit then a mod can add there neg feedback. there needs to be a moniter for something like this or anyone can harass someone without just cause.
It's pretty rare for people to leave fraudulent feedback, and we usually catch them. Last case was over a year ago.

I personally monitor all of the top sellers feedback, I have not seen any unusual history.
That being said, If I found this to be false at some point in the near future, I would request only Verified to leave feedback.
I think the idea of not letting un-verifieds trade is far to drastic.
The issue with not letting un-verified members leave feedback, is that it opens the door for abuse from verified members as there would be no way to retaliate.
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