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Policy Feedback is now sticky. It will not be removed. (1 Viewer)

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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Rating - 93.8%
44   3   1
Feedback is now sticky, regardless of how we did things in the past.

Going forward, here are the only reasons feedback will be removed:
  • The feedback is blatantly fraudulent. e.g. a buyer leaves feedback for a seller they never attempted a transaction with, someone's smearing a competitor, etc.
  • The feedback was left by a scammer.
  • Both parties ask for feedback to be removed.
  • The community votes to have your "unfair" feedback removed, by way of the Ducat shop.
All other feedback will stay, whether it's fair or not. There are unfair feedbacks on ebay, yelp, amazon, etc. because it's important for users to voice their complaints, stupid ones or otherwise.

Thank you and good day.

edit: Despite this years old rule, our staff is *STILL* getting pestered about "unfair feedback" nearly every day. Here's our solution:

You can have your "unfair" feedback erased, but it's not guaranteed, it will cost you regardless of outcome, and it will be public:

Staff will not intervene, as we've already made our decision.
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In my negative faction, he says. "never told him that I would have the power lvl done in 5 days gave him a 7 day time frame "

In our direct messages on this site, he say, "Its 100 for 85 to 115 can take up to 5 day but usually faster depends on downtime etc "

My negative feedback is backed up with the direct messages on this site. His feedback makes statements that are lies. i asked for a partial refund due to him not completing the work in the he specified and not even extending the courtesy of letting me know he'd be unable to keep the time frame he promised.

By the way, there was a 50% xp bonus in effect the whole time. At 7 days in, my toon was at his bind point. Several hours later, I checked back and the toon was still at his bind point. That's when I took the account back.
Here's a thread on the new feedback rule:

This report is now closed.
This should be said
Feedback is used for you the buyer to have the common sence enough to see good and bad reviews to make your decision to buy and or deal with.

that being said


think If we change it from feedback to

Consumer reviews ? Think that would help with things ?? So itā€™s better in align with what itā€™s meant for ???
Yup, i lost 4 years worth of flawless positive feedback because someone backed out of a deal they told me they would make + held me up for hours and I told them I won't do business with them again. In retaliation they gave me a negative review. Seems anyone can do whatever they want now and there's no reprecussions. Only thing you can do is give him negative feedback and move on.
My point is that the negative feedback is blatantly fraudulent. The messages sent back and forth via this website show that clearly. I don't know if admin can see those messages or if they have to be screenshot, but doesn't lying about what was agreed upon when its in the messages count as fraudulent?
I told him I had comp prob and he took the toon back. and then he went on and said how come u just didn't do part and merc task on him to get him done faster I do not offer those servers so he wanted me to do free work which I will not do. I gave him 3 out of the 4 tov missions for free and then he took the toon back after I told him I had comp and internet issues he looked at it and said ok I told him the new start date since I was unable to start the toon the day I told him. he took the toon then a week later he wanted a refund if he would of never took the toon the toon would of been done within the time frame I'm not issuing a refund not after a week went past then he ask for a refund. he wanted free work done on top of his power lvl I DO NOT OFFER FREE WORK. my post states power lvls not prog and all that
Feedback is about emotion. How did the other party make you feel? Facts aren't important from my POV, and my hope is that nobody will have a 100% rating by next year.

Fraudulent feedback would be if no deal at all were discussed (or minimally discussed) or to smear a competitor.

If you think this is stupid, or woo woo hippy bullshit, please leave me a feedback expressing your feelings šŸ’ŒšŸŒˆ
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Do you fine people think non verified members should even be able to post feedback? I don't think so. That should be a privelege that comes with getting verified. And we should take a vote on it.

Do you think we should be limited to one post per forum category and whatever you are selling or buying in that category can be listed in that one post. This would be to prevent one user posting multiple posts in a category and essentially spamming it with their items/accounts/services/etc. Why would one user need multiple posts in any category except maybe the WTB one under certain circumstances. We should take a vote on it.

What do you think? Is there any ideas you have that you want share?

Please do.

Thank You for your time.
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I was thinking about this. A lot of your customers might be unverified -- and you'd be denying yourself a +1 to your positive if they cannot provide you with that feedback.

I think this request stems from negative feedback, that any schmo that has talked to you can give you -1 feedback if they didn't like how you punctuated your sentences.

You could limit non-positive feedback to premium/verified members which would lend more credence to the negativity, but I'm not sure how that would be perceived. Praise us for free, pay us to shame us.
If you don't like the new feedback rules you are welcome to leave me feedback. I won't retaliate šŸ˜‡
I dont like the way you guys are doing feedback now either. And I am not going to leave you negative feedback telling you that because thats exactly why I do not like the new system. Only people who cheat people or scam them should get negative feedback. If someone doesnt like a word I used in a private message they can leave me negative feedback? Or if I refuse to do a deal with them? Or if I think they are pulling something shady so I refund them and tell them I am not working for them? That makes no sense whatsoever. There are a lot of people I will not work for mainly because they are unverified or I do not like their attitude. I have to walk on eggshells around everybody now instead of being myself because I am have to be afraid of someone ruining my feedback because they didnt like that I dont use apostrophes... Its ridic.

Negative feedback should not beget negative feedback. If a seller fucks up on a deal they deserve negative feedback from a buyer. The seller should not receive the negative feedback and then retaliate on the buyer with negative feedback they should accept responsibility for their fuck up. The few times I was left negative feedback in the past it was because little bitches decided they didnt like the way I talked to them. I have never and will never scam anyone or steal from anyone.

I have been late on a promised deadline before but I almost always communicate with the customer and give them bonus levels, aas, krono, or plat whatever they want and I make it up to them.

And we all make mistakes. Real life happens. And some people just fuck up. As long as they arent stealing or scamming another person there is no reason for negative feedback.

If you are wondering why people dont have negative feedback its because there account is NOT banned. The majority of the negative feedback is on the BANNED accounts. BECAUSE they cheat and/or SCAMMED PEOPLE! ........

And if anyone here thinks I have ever done anything to them that was negative please PM me and lets resolve it peacefully. I will take care of you we can both be happy. Just let me know what I can do to make it up to you. There is no reason to leave negative feedback for anything other than getting scammed or cheated.

In closing I would like to state that Any negative feedback I have left for anyone that did not cheat or steal or scam me I agree for it to be taken off. As long as both parties agree it can be removed right?
Only people who cheat people or scam them should get negative feedback

If that's all negative feedback is for, why don't we just remove negative feedback altogether and encourage users to utilize the report system?

That's not hyperbole, I am prepared to remove all negative/neutral feedback. Facebook doesn't have a "dislike" button, Twitter doesn't have a "hate" button, people don't want to hear negativity. If the community wants to do away with negative feedback, I'll comply. If most here find value in negative feedback, I'll keep it around. It's entirely up to you guys.

I do note that eBay only counts the previous 12 months of negative feedback, so if you get a particularly nasty comment you only have to live with it for a year. Could a similar system be a happy medium?
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Someone is going to start leaving negative feedback that people are whining.

Maybe Negative and Positive Feedback should require trade links with a message log. That way people can't boost or bring down a person's rating out of spite.

I nominate myself to be a judge. I have some downtime at work that I can spare.
personally think this feed has gotten beyond stupid, its like a bunch of females argueing over a man.

Feedback is for the user to have COMMON SENCE to deal with a person.
FEEDBACK is for the user to leave a POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE RATING.

it does not require 4000 GD people to say who did what or who aint doing what.
Maybe Negative and Positive Feedback should require trade links with a message log. That way people can't boost or bring down a person's rating out of spite.

Negative feedback requires a trade or an honest & deep negotiation for a trade. If you were left negative feedback for another reason we'll remove it.

Feedback must be honest, and may cover transactions as well as failed transactions. - https://ectunnel.com/community/help/terms/

We can require trade links if the community would find that valuable, though we'd have to remove the ability for users to delete threads.
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personally think this feed has gotten beyond stupid, its like a bunch of females argueing over a man.

Feedback is for the user to have COMMON SENCE to deal with a person.
FEEDBACK is for the user to leave a POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE RATING.

it does not require 4000 GD people to say who did what or who aint doing what.
This is not a valid point. Why did you come here to say this? We are talking about this topic. If you dont want to discuss it dont come here?
what you mean not valid ? were all on this topic because someone's feelings got hurt pretty gave them a negative feedback ?

SOMEONES FEELINGS GOT HURT IS WHY this topic got started ? how is this not valid ?


is plenty valid.

simple if you don't like what redbot has implemented don't use it because listen were grown ass men. and some point in our life our feelings are meant to be hurt. its how we adjust from being a boy to being a man.
the feedback system is flawed because it allows dumbass's that don't pay to be here use it.

Simple im sorry if your not verified or not a paying member FEEDBACK SHOULD AND FOR MOST NOT BE AVAILABLE SHOULD BE A PAID SUBSCRIPTION OPTION.
If that's all negative feedback is for, why don't we just remove negative feedback altogether and encourage users to utilize the report system?

That's not hyperbole, I am prepared to remove all negative/neutral feedback. Facebook doesn't have a "dislike" button, Twitter doesn't have a "hate" button, people don't want to hear negativity. If the community wants to do away with negative feedback, I'll comply. If most here find value in negative feedback, I'll keep it around. It's entirely up to you guys.

I do note that eBay only counts the previous 12 months of negative feedback, so if you get a particularly nasty comment you only have to live with it for a year. Could a similar system be a happy medium?

Here is the issue. This is an underground trading site. Positive Feedback is used for someone to determine if they should make a trade or not. If you have an opinion about someone it should go in neutral feedback. look at my neutral feedback someone was unhappy and he let people know about it. Even though he totally backstabbed me and took free krono for me being late and agreed to it thats okay... he let people know what his opinion was and that was valuable to me because at that time in my life I was going through some real shit and that helped me step my game back up to my level. So in the end the neutral feedback helped me get my shit back together. It wasnt negative feedback. But it was a place for him to say hey this is how I feel about this guy.
I'll be honest with my two cents here...

I'm not the biggest fan of the "new" feedback system. All of my customers can probably agree, I always try and be as friendly, professional, and as helpful as possible.

I've had a few people in the past almost buy an account from me, which are clearly marked "FV NON TRANSFERABLE ACCOUNTS" etc, then get mad, because right before they sent payment they ask something along the lines of "Wait a minute, these are on FV? I can't transfer this toon?" I've had people in the past tell me that I "wasted their time" even though my threads state FV numerous amounts of times.

With this new system, that conversation alone could warrant me a negative feedback? I think negative feedback should be an absolute, there was a deal here being done and it failed in (fill in the blank) way. Most negative feedbacks usually do warrant an immediate ban, but very rarely I understand negative feedback being left without punishment. (I paid for 10 Kronos, he sent 9, I had to wait 3 days to get the 10th) or (I paid for 85 - 115 Powerleveling and it took a month instead of the agreed week) etc...

While those types of "failed" transactions don't warrant a ban, I do think the details of what happened should be public. However, the "I don't like you for not giving me a discount I wanted", should not lead to a negative feedback, and if it does? It should be removed.

As a buyer, your responsibility is ensuring prompt payment, being online when needed, verifying the account, whatever. If the buyer screws that up, doesn't send FnF / whatever, he should receive negative feedback.

As a seller, your responsibility is delivering the product, swiftly, or within the agreed allotted time. If the seller screws that up, he should receive the negative feedback.

I don't think this should go both ways.. "I screwed up as the seller and the buyer left me negative feedback. Even though the buyer did everything completely perfect, i'm going to leave him negative feedback for my screw up." That doesn't make any sense on why a negative feedback shouldn't be removed.

Kind of a rant, but I've thought about this a lot since the changes were implemented.

EDIT: Basically, if Gamerjkm paid for a powerlevel / service that would be complete within 5 days, has proof of that, and it wasn't done in time, Pretty should receive the negative feedback. Gamerjkms job was done once he sent payment and login info.

FINAL EDIT: The way I "wish" feedback was done here, would be question prompts with details. Choose whether you're the buyer or seller and receive a string of questions you can say yes or no to. IE as a seller....

1. Did buyer communicate and come up with an agreed price?
Yes - No
2. Did buyer send payment as instructed?
Yes (Instant) - Yes (Took a few hours) - No (Sent as goods / services)
Etc.. then give some sort of detail box you can type in whatever type of review you want.

Same thing for buyer. It'd be quick to fill out if everything goes perfectly and could give a little message at the bottom. If something goes bad, people can see exactly what the screw up was. "Oh, he sent payment it just took a few hours." or "Oh, he completed the powerleveling, it just took a few extra days."
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what you mean not valid ? were all on this topic because someone's feelings got hurt pretty gave them a negative feedback ?

SOMEONES FEELINGS GOT HURT IS WHY this topic got started ? how is this not valid ?


is plenty valid.

simple if you don't like what redbot has implemented don't use it because listen were grown ass men. and some point in our life our feelings are meant to be hurt. its how we adjust from being a boy to being a man.
the feedback system is flawed because it allows dumbass's that don't pay to be here use it.

Simple im sorry if your not verified or not a paying member FEEDBACK SHOULD AND FOR MOST NOT BE AVAILABLE SHOULD BE A PAID SUBSCRIPTION OPTION.
now youre saying words I agree with! :)
I dont like the way you guys are doing feedback now either. And I am not going to leave you negative feedback telling you that because thats exactly why I do not like the new system. Only people who cheat people or scam them should get negative feedback. If someone doesnt like a word I used in a private message they can leave me negative feedback? Or if I refuse to do a deal with them? Or if I think they are pulling something shady so I refund them and tell them I am not working for them? That makes no sense whatsoever. There are a lot of people I will not work for mainly because they are unverified or I do not like their attitude. I have to walk on eggshells around everybody now instead of being myself because I am have to be afraid of someone ruining my feedback because they didnt like that I dont use apostrophes... Its ridic.

Negative feedback should not beget negative feedback. If a seller fucks up on a deal they deserve negative feedback from a buyer. The seller should not receive the negative feedback and then retaliate on the buyer with negative feedback they should accept responsibility for their fuck up. The few times I was left negative feedback in the past it was because little bitches decided they didnt like the way I talked to them. I have never and will never scam anyone or steal from anyone.

I have been late on a promised deadline before but I almost always communicate with the customer and give them bonus levels, aas, krono, or plat whatever they want and I make it up to them.

And we all make mistakes. Real life happens. And some people just fuck up. As long as they arent stealing or scamming another person there is no reason for negative feedback.

If you are wondering why people dont have negative feedback its because there account is NOT banned. The majority of the negative feedback is on the BANNED accounts. BECAUSE they cheat and/or SCAMMED PEOPLE! ........

And if anyone here thinks I have ever done anything to them that was negative please PM me and lets resolve it peacefully. I will take care of you we can both be happy. Just let me know what I can do to make it up to you. There is no reason to leave negative feedback for anything other than getting scammed or cheated.

In closing I would like to state that Any negative feedback I have left for anyone that did not cheat or steal or scam me I agree for it to be taken off. As long as both parties agree it can be removed right?

You are forgetting how much extra work it is for the limited staff. They are doing their best. It does make sense to allow all feedback to pass. Look at Ebay, plenty of neg feedback. 99.5% is still a good source, you get the idea that the 0.5% of people are just unhappy for some reason not relevant to the seller. Its fair in my opinion. As long as the neg feedback states why it was posted and THAT part is justified at least beyond reasonable doubt.

The issue lies in how we view feedback on this site.
You are forgetting how much extra work it is for the limited staff. They are doing their best. It does make sense to allow all feedback to pass. Look at Ebay, plenty of neg feedback. 99.5% is still a good source, you get the idea that the 0.5% of people are just unhappy for some reason not relevant to the seller. Its fair in my opinion. As long as the neg feedback states why it was posted and THAT part is justified at least beyond reasonable doubt.

The issue lies in how we view feedback on this site.
This is not Ebay or Amazon. This is an underground site. This is not a mainstream anyone can come here and click buy site. You have to PM someone to even do a deal. Feedback works way different here. Sick of listening you all compare a watermelon to a grape. No Thank You.

I dont care what someones opinion is of someone else. Did they scam you? Did they steal your money? Were you cheated? Thats all I want to know. I dont give a fuck what you think about me or anyone else so long as you were not scammed, cheated or stole from. Because if you were then I do care what happened.
This is not Ebay or Amazon. This is an underground site. This is not a mainstream anyone can come here and click buy site. You have to PM someone to even do a deal. Feedback works way different here. Sick of listening you all compare a watermelon to a grape. No Thank You.

I dont care what someones opinion is of someone else. Did they scam you? Did they steal your money? Were you cheated? Thats all I want to know. I dont give a fuck what you think about me or anyone else so long as you were not scammed, cheated or stole from. Because if you were then I do care what happened.

What percentage is -1 feedback to 340 Kronolevel?
"Feedback works different here" What exactly do you mean
What percentage is -1 feedback to 340 Kronolevel?
"Feedback works different here" What exactly do you mean
Okay so you want a breakdown? Positive Feedback = you did not scam cheat or steal and someone liked the deal enough to leave you some. If someone doesnt like the way you talk or what you have to say then it does not matter. As long as you were not cheated, scammed, and did not have money stolen from you then you do not leave negative feedback. This isnt a place for your feelings. Go share your feelings with your social networking sites and your blog. Ill subscribe to your youtube just to watch the salt that must come out of you.

This is not a popularity contest. If you scam cheat or steal you get banned. Negative feedback is a way for someone to report that immeadiatly to the community as a RED warning flag so no one else gets hit by the scammer while the mods look into it.

This is an Underground fun and mostly safe place to do trades that does not charge a fee like many of the other big sites for this type of stuff do. The feedback is just a way for people to check someone and make sure they are on the up and up so they dont get cheated, scammed, or stolen from. Its not a place to put your feelings. And I have never been jealous of someone with higher feedback than me nor do I think the mods care. When I started here I had 0 feedback.

This is not ebay or amazon. You can not just click buy now and have something ordered here. You have to PM someone you have to talk to them. You use their positive feedback to see if they are trustworthy. If they have negative feedback and it says something like "this person was mean to me so I am leaving this because they are meanies and i dont like them," how is that important or relevant? Did they scam you? Did they steal from you? Thats all that matters here.

Why are you so worried about the staff and what they are doing? Didnt they sign up for this? If they need help where is the post to sign up? I am sure more people would be interested in helping out. And they need to properly vetted to do so. Do you need help Redbot? Do you want more people on staff?
1. You said: "Why are you so worried about the staff and what they are doing" Why don't I ask you that question? Why are you disagreeing with the staff on this decision? I only gave you a valid reason why they would want to make this change.

2. We don't have this site if it wasn't for them. I wouldn't start going all gung ho thinking you can all the sudden run it, or help moderate it. Did you see what happened last time someone was in that position? I don't think they want to start hiring randoms all the sudden, it wouldn't help and that's painfully clear.

3. You said: "If someone doesnt like the way you talk or what you have to say then it does not matter. As long as you were not cheated, scammed, and did not have money stolen from you then you do not leave negative feedback"

It doesn't matter how you are treated during a sale? Uhm, ok so I can flame you hard, harass you, slander you, as long as I don't steal from you? Where do you draw the line? How will you moderate? How do you split hairs between what is technically harassment and not?

It simply makes sense for staff not to deal with it. I don't find any justification for you saying that "This is not ebay"
Its the exact same. You are trusting a source with their rated credibility. Once everyone has negative feedback it doesn't matter anymore

-I enjoy ham on most days of the week, maybe 6 out of 7. I get bored of it on the 7th day usually, but I'm back again the following day.
1. You said: "Why are you so worried about the staff and what they are doing" Why don't I ask you that question? Why are you disagreeing with the staff on this decision? I only gave you a valid reason why they would want to make this change.
Ricky if you dont like someone and they treat you wrong you DONT do a deal with them if they scam you and steal from you then report them and leave negative feedback to warn the community. I have to explain this part to you? You dont give them any of your business. Duh? And how do you know I wasnt offered the chance to help run this site? You don't. So stop being ignorant. Anyway I am done talking about this. Good luck to everyone. If you want to make this a carebear site for little whiny bitches go right ahead. I think the site has been great and I love it. AND I support it. Which reminds me I am due to make a donation. Thanks for your time. Best wishes.
Ricky if you dont like someone and they treat you wrong you DONT do a deal with them if they scam you and steal from you then report them and leave negative feedback to warn the community. I have to explain this part to you? You dont give them any of your business. Duh? And how do you know I wasnt offered the chance to help run this site? You don't. So stop being ignorant. Anyway I am done talking about this. Good luck to everyone. If you want to make this a carebear site for little whiny bitches go right ahead. I think the site has been great and I love it. AND I support it. Which reminds me I am due to make a donation. Thanks for your time. Best wishes.

Carebear sites like amazon make billions annually.

If that's the case then call me Sharebear.
Dude your on an underground site for a 20+ year old game that has a couple hundred users. For a game that has a couple thousand players at most at one time. (sometimes up to 10,000 maybe) and your talking about amazon and ebay which are world wide sites with millions and millions of users world wide that offer products from local groceries to high end GFX cards and more like it has anything to do with ectunnel a super niche site for OG MMORPG players that love an old game and want a safe place to do trades.... Now I really am done talking. GG. I dont know what drugs you are on Ricky and I dont want any. You keep them babe. Enjoy.
Dude your on an underground site for a 20+ year old game that has a couple hundred users. For a game that has a couple thousand players at most at one time. (sometimes up to 10,000 maybe) and your talking about amazon and ebay which are world wide sites with millions and millions of users world wide that offer products from local groceries to high end GFX cards and more like it has anything to do with ectunnel a super niche site for OG MMORPG players that love an old game and want a safe place to do trades.... Now I really am done talking. GG. I dont know what drugs you are on Ricky and I dont want any. You keep them babe. Enjoy.

How is explaining the population making sense of the difference in feedback regulations lol.
Yeah, there is less people here K...
Why does that matter... Any explanation? Have been waiting.

-Still eating ham though.
This is why its pointless to debate you. Youre literally a phsycho dude. Go try your hand at politics. Youd be great at it.

Just saying you didn't really explain anything.. Lol.
Like if you have a Watermelon and a Lemon. And I say, which one falls faster from a specific height.
Your response : One is sour and the other isn't.

Good talk.
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