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Discussion Aradune or Rizlona (1 Viewer)

Jan 24, 2014
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Hey all,

I'm entertaining the idea of returning to EQ. My question is simple, but I'll provide some information.

I plan on playing one toon, not boxing any others. It looks like there are cheaper accounts available on Rizlona, which means more bang for my buck.

Question: As a single box, would I find groups/guilds on Rizlona or is it pretty much box or don't progress? I've checked the everquest forums, but none of the information I find is recent.

I appreciate your time and answers. Thanks!
There are quite a few guilds in Riz that have single account players there raiding. I can recall 3 guilds that use a mix of box and single player accounts.
My best advice is to reach out to a few guilds that are raiding and see what the grouping looks like. If you get into a guild most likely when it comes to AA farming you will find a group within guild.

For Aradune yes you will pay a bit more for an account but playing as a solo player (come AA farming) will be a bit more enjoyable as finding groups will be easier. Things cost a bit more on Aradune but that means you also get more value for your items. Groups flow really well on Aradune as I never really had to much of an issue with grouping with any Char type. Riz it can be a bit tricky with the boxers. Some don't want a single player while others are very welcoming for it.

Because you plan to solo play (I 2 box max myself) Aradune makes the best fit as this game imo is a group game. So its nice to meet new people group up and relax. Remember we sit 3-5 hours in groups. its nice to talk with more than 1 person :) lol
Rizlona is great. Many of the boxers (6 / 12 / whysomany? ) that I have seen tend to have the mentality of "come tag along itll be fun!"; I'd rather invite you for what I'm doing and have some fun at it then leave ya in the dust, and have no issues dropping my boxes if youre in it for exp. AT the end of day, we want a good time without the Aradune drama. Come, have some fun!

There are all sorts of different raiding type guilds, depending on how much you want to box. Some have it built into their charter to have a DKP pool for boxes, while others have a "main+1" type mentality. I 18 box however am in a guild that does this type of raiding.. and its fun. Get to specialize on a toon or two, while still having the goons to back me up when im outside of raid or on a whack AF schedule.

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