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Lifetime Sub Acount (1 Viewer)

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Sellin off my Lifetime Sub account at MMOBugs. Normally sells for $200 at their site, so offering this at 1/2 off for starters.

$100 or best offer
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I'd say that sharing means the same thing it means to Blizzard (more than one person concurrently using it.) Transferring an account shouldn't fall under that category. If you think so, then you can't buy/sell game accounts here (since they also have rules against "sharing.")
Yeah you might be right =)

Dunno just pointing out that I thought he should know that its prolly not ok, I pretty sure that notaddicted would ban an account here if it was proven sold.

- decker
Well go ahead and delete this then, just figured Id try and get some of my money back from a place I no longer use
BTW that Unknown poster (whos posts seem to have been deleted) that wasnt ZippZipp was it?
nope, ZippZipp is ZippZipp on these boards.

I split the rant that was about a different site, unknown405 asked for it to be deleted, so I just did.
I sent payment for this to Dentrague exactly 24 hours ago. During the negotiation he has had a phenomenal response time. Once payment was sent I've not heard anything from the past 24 hours. I'll give another 24 hours until I file a claim.
I sent payment for this to Dentrague exactly 24 hours ago. During the negotiation he has had a phenomenal response time. Once payment was sent I've not heard anything from the past 24 hours. I'll give another 24 hours until I file a claim.

MMOBugs does not permit the sale of Lifetime Accounts. Admin and Moderators monitor IP changes very closely with accounts. They are already aware of this thread and the intent to sell. So, I hope you can get your money back as you will not be getting what you are paying for.
He sent me a PM saying that family was sick & that's why he didn't respond. His reply did not make any mention of anything else. The paypal dispute will be going through later today.
I'll let this thread know what happens.
Because a family member being sick somehow means you can't take the literally 30 seconds it requires to respond to that email.

I've had pretty good experiences with payments disputes with PayPal over the years, odds are you'll get your dough back from this lowlife.
Can the admins put a ban on this guy? Using this site to scam people and coming up with a shady excuse definitally deservers a good beating with the ban stick to me.
Can the admins put a ban on this guy? Using this site to scam people and coming up with a shady excuse definitally deservers a good beating with the ban stick to me.
talking with the other admins for possible repercussions / investigation into the issue.
You won't get the account because he has already sold me the account a week ago and it is now banned due to this dispute. I opened a complaint to Paypal because he is now unresponsive to me as well.
Because a family member being sick somehow means you can't take the literally 30 seconds it requires to respond to that email.

I've had pretty good experiences with payments disputes with PayPal over the years, odds are you'll get your dough back from this lowlife.

Otnas I need to ask u a question pls PM if u will sir.
9 out of 10 times Paypal will side with the buyer It sounds like this person sold to more than 1 buyer so it smells like a scam to me. Not that it matters, you can't sell that account anyway and it's probably perma-banned for this already.
Dantrague has been banned until he resolves this issue. I have no problem with people selling accounts of other sites, but when it comes to selling it more than once .... well that's a "No-Go" at this station ....
You won't get the account because he has already sold me the account a week ago and it is now banned due to this dispute. I opened a complaint to Paypal because he is now unresponsive to me as well.

The account on mmobugs is banned ?

- decker
Dantrague, Joseph/Allen Waters (according to paypal), made no response to me but promptly made a response to paypal once the file was claimed. Looks like he wants to fight it.

@Otnas - Do you think it may be a good step to call the credit card company (since I funded it via CC) and have them cancel it if Paypal does not come to a resolution in my favor by the end of the week?
Talk to PayPal, talk to your cc/bank. Provide any records of transactions and correspondence. Be polite but firm - make it clear that this faggotry will not be tolerated. Be persistent. I've had people try to rip me off half a dozen times and every time they've given up before I have.

Get people on the phone whenever you can. It's a lot harder to ignore you on the phone than over email. Ask to speak to the supervisor if you feel like you're getting jerked around.
Yeah he won't respond to my emails now and I have a strong feeling he's not going to pay up. :mad:

BTW, do you guys Ban IPs or just accounts? Cause I don't see much stopping him from coming right back doing the same type of thing with another account.
Dantrague, Joseph/Allen Waters (according to paypal), made no response to me but promptly made a response to paypal once the file was claimed. Looks like he wants to fight it.

@Otnas - Do you think it may be a good step to call the credit card company (since I funded it via CC) and have them cancel it if Paypal does not come to a resolution in my favor by the end of the week?

Paypal tends to side with the buyer (especially when you used CC) unless buyer has a history of filing claims. Plus the seller probably don't have proof of shipment o anything other than "I sent the buyer an email".

It may take up to a month after it's been escalated by you before Paypal makes a decision. In the unlikely event that Paypal doesn't side with you, or they do but can't recover the full amount be ready to call your CC company. That has a habit of forcing Paypal to dig into the seller's account for money and even going after seller with debt collection and/or credit record reflecting badly on him.

In the end the seller really loses if they try to scam through Paypal, and the buyer does use credit card.
Paypal tends to side with the buyer (especially when you used CC) unless buyer has a history of filing claims. Plus the seller probably don't have proof of shipment o anything other than "I sent the buyer an email".

It may take up to a month after it's been escalated by you before Paypal makes a decision. In the unlikely event that Paypal doesn't side with you, or they do but can't recover the full amount be ready to call your CC company. That has a habit of forcing Paypal to dig into the seller's account for money and even going after seller with debt collection and/or credit record reflecting badly on him.

In the end the seller really loses if they try to scam through Paypal, and the buyer does use credit card.

According to a phone conversation with a CSR, paypal offers no protection on virtual goods so they called the dispute resolved.
Afterwards I went to the CC company and they said they'll handle it.

Thank god I paid with a CC rather than through other means.
I gots about 2000 USD stuck on paypal account for 3 years now.

sold some online goods, but account got suspended because suspicious actions. I entered the damn cents from my bank account in wrong order, while verifing bank account. i tried for months to fix it, called them, sent photo ID, all of them, nothing ever happened.

even tho buyer had no issues with me, my money is still stuck there and i'll probably never see it again.

if it comes to paypal, everything works fine until it doesnt! :)

PS! I couldnt fix my account suspension because I could not provide proof of purchace. why the hell did they need it anyway, if I made a mistake verifing bank account? so I had no proof and there it ended.

PPS! been using another paypal account since then. 3 years, no problems :)
For the one that they need a proof of purchase... Make an invoice via Quicken or whatever... and hand it to them. If you stay on them they will be forced to release your money.
Well it sucks for me because my money was in paypal I hadn't pulled it via cc or anything so he has my money and paypal doesn't seem to be reviewing my complaint because it's showed as a close claim. I sent him another email but I don't he responds. I hate scammers it's crap like this that makes you not trust anyone and that's unfortunate for sure.
Well it sucks for me because my money was in paypal I hadn't pulled it via cc or anything so he has my money and paypal doesn't seem to be reviewing my complaint because it's showed as a close claim. I sent him another email but I don't he responds. I hate scammers it's crap like this that makes you not trust anyone and that's unfortunate for sure.
what would happen if you told paypal that what you bought from him wasn't "virtual goods"?
Well I already made the complaint on the transaction number and they wont allow me to make another complaint on the same transaction. And since its "closed" I can't change any complaint or options I made on it.
paypal is teh suck if something goes bad :( they have all system automated and the chances are that someone will actually look into problem and deal with it, manualy, is close to zero..
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