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Im Back (1 Viewer)

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I am back and downloaded the game. Once I have a gold account I will start working up some compiles. Also had talked with some of the old developers and I think we have warp and ghostkill also worked out to be able to add again and give the source for everyone. :)
That's cool bro.. on my App return.. You realize 1/2 the code out today is the way it is and available from me and my developers and people that worked with me and for me? Personally I can careless. Cause the only thing I am here to do is help a friend cause we fixed Ghostkill and Warping.. And I will test a few things add it all back and so forth and that be that. :)
Ghost Kill is dead get over it. Warping works fine and will get you banned if you use it.
All shall bow down before the greatness of the CodeCompiler, and those who do not shall perish before the might of his great skills. You blew your chance here a while back, and I don't agree that you should be a part of this community. It's not my call in the end, but I would hate to see it.
CodeCompiler, All you ever did was go steal shit from Redguides and other sites. go make your own compile then charge people 500 bucks to use it. you piece of shit, we dont want you here, and im surprised that the devs here allow your return. your noth9ing but a neucesense to this community.

BEWARE TO ALL. DO NOT USE ANY OF HIS LOUSY PLUGINS, they never worked, and yes he stole GHOSTKILL from ZIPZIP.

y\everyone is warned!!!

so CodeCompiler, Go make your working compile of MQ2 and stop biting off what people actully worked on you lousy mother fucker
I bit last time CC preached. Spent too much money and got nothing in return. Literally nothing. There was never a compile posted let alone a plugin. Lesson learned. If want back, prove it.
personally i know from Fry and the people you steal from your a crook and a rip off , anyone on this website will be DUMB ! if they fall for any stupid tricks you scam them out of, ghostkill normal delay is STUPIDLY Useless when there are far easier and safer things to do then fall for your dumb A$$ trick , and as far as warp , warp will get you banned and your isp banned if you continue useing it as my team has been , your well hated among every website your around man get over it go suck off mmoqueers or something please leave our family at notaddicted alone , we have fine dev's like sym tech , maskoi and testers like myself that work hard to build and run a fin website we dont need you never will get over it and leave
Publish source code, but no dll uploads or compiles please. Your track record is horrible.

Facts about CodeCompiler
-Never did he or his "developers" create GhostKill/Nodelay (Chronic Did!)
-He promised a working Nodelay and ripped a ton of folks off
-He spammed general chat for weeks in Everquest promoting his hacking website, drawing tons of unwanted attention.

I could go on, but long story short, he is a very shady guy. Do not download, run, or do anything that he gives you. Publishing source code is fine, since all the people that actually do compiles can examine it. However, Since he isn't a coder, its probably just recycled crap we already have. Prove me wrong!
was it Chronic or was it zipzip or was it zipzip that did ND...I cant keep track any more...my head hurts
Rofl, Zipzip published Ghost Kill so not sure who was the original author of it. I remember Chronic selling ghostkill/NoDelay for like 200 bucks or something, so only a handful of people would use it. When it went public that's when the ban hammer came down and nixed all of No Delay. By far one of the most devastating hacks ever in EQ, the only other hack more devastating was the one that crashed zones (also written by Chronic). Fun Times!
Ok. Closing the thread. Keep it civil folks. Whatever someone may or may not have done in the past, this is not the place to bitch about it. Take it to PMs.
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