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Dispute Hamm3rThor false listing (1 Viewer)

Mar 1, 2020
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
I bought three accounts with four characters from this guy. Two characters were supposed to be "fully ToV raid geared" but were ToV T3 group geared with a few pieces of T1 raid gear. The other two characters were supposed to be "fully ice encrusted geared" but had 1 piece of ice encrusted gear and 10 pieces of heroic gear between them. He lied in the listing and then followed up with more lies in messages specifically telling me that both accounts had ice encrusted ears (ok so I should have smelled the bs at this point) and that one account even had extra ice encrusted that could be sold. All four ears were heroic. I tried to get a refund but he refused. He accidentally left 43 krono on one of the accounts and still wouldn't give me a refund to get his junk back which should give you a pretty good idea of how dishonestly he described the accounts.
Here's the original description for the accounts in question:

account 6: 115necro max aa t3 grp gear and ice encrusted 300$ OBO

account 7: 115shaman max aa FULL TOV raid geared and best shammy wep in game(enhanced)/115mage max aa t3 gear and ice encrusted 650$ OBO

Is that a fair description, somewhat deceptive, or an outright lie?
to be fair 43 krono - 10.00 or 12.00 a pop is well over 400.00 so you got some of your money back......
but i never trusted his post as they all seemed suspicious to me.
Iv sold many accounts here and to be clear have never had issues with any other transactions...
this Gentleman sent me 1100 for 3 accounts..
i then sent info to accounts and immediately stated i had forgot 45kr accidently, he then logged in, verified and seemed he was under the impresssion that my toons were full ice encrusted.. (clearly not stated anywhere)
he than stated he was unhappy and would appreciate a refund,
I said, I could do this if he returns the 45krono on the account prior to me issuing this refund.... at this point he had stated he moved the kr to his trader and already changed the information on the accounts.

he then ignored my texts, calls and tells for a day or 2 so i assumed he was happy... finally i recieved this message

'I decided i could live with the deal if i gave you 20kr back? still a deal?'

Ive provided the ECtunnel admins with our whole convo.

had no issues until now.. the paypal payment from days ago is now under dispute.. i have provided them with our full thread and hoping i dont walk away empty handed...
currently, atm, I now have no 1100, no accounts/Kronos.
I completely intend on solving this issue with Mr. Erasimus... hoping in the end both parties are happy!

Merry Christmas all!
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update.. went thru emails.
on tuesday Mr. Erasimus ordered the All Accesss Membership on all 3 accounts.. each receipt totaling too $127.07.

Merry Christmas eve!
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I respond to each character separately to explain why it is an outright lie but I'd be happy to send raidloot profiles and let you decide for yourself.

account 6: 115necro max aa t3 grp gear and ice encrusted 300$ OBO. The moderator can confirm in messages on this site that the seller explicitly told me that both the necro on this account and the mage on the shaman account were "full ice encrusted" very explicitly saying that they both have ice encrusted earrings. Sure, I'm an idiot for buying it but the dialogue in messages to confirm that they both have ice encrusted ears is what made me pull the trigger. This necro has 1 ice encrusted item (primary slot, not ear), 4 pieces of heroic gear, and the rest was T1 ToV group gear.

account 7: 115shaman max aa FULL TOV raid geared and best shammy wep in game(enhanced)/115mage max aa t3 gear and ice encrusted 650$ OBO. The "FULL TOV raid geared" shaman has half ToV T1 raid gear and half ToV T3 group gear. The mage has 0 ice encrusted items, 7 heroic items, and the rest ToV T1 group gear. I was actually more interested in the mage than the shaman so this is very important.

account 8: 115cleric max aa FULL tov raid geared 300$ OBO . This cleric has 4 pieces of ToV T1 raid gear and is otherwise geared in ToV T3 group gear. This is the account that I was most interested in so this is very important.

I approve for the moderator to review our private messages to verify how far I went to try to resolve this cordially. Here is how it went down:

I provided payment within minutes. Within a few minutes of logging in to the accounts it was obvious that they were not as described.

I get a message in EQ that he is trying to log in on the necro account. He sends me a message in EQ to send him half of the krono. I tell him that the accounts are not as described. He says he will issue a refund after I send him the krono. I tell him there is no way that I can trust him given how dishonestly he described the accounts He says he won't budge.

The next day I decide that I'm an idiot for being so naive and I just want this to be over so I send him a text message that I will send him 20 krono. I text message him a picture to confirm that I have parcelled the krono and tell him that the secret answer is wrong.

He sends me a message back and says that if I want the real answer to the secret question then I need to send him the rest of the krono. That is when I sent negative feedback and contested the transaction on Paypal.

Again, I authorize the moderators to review our personal messages to verify my account of the exchange. I can also send raidloot profiles, EQ logs, text message logs, etc.
I ordered all access because at that point we had agreed to finalize the deal on terms that at least made me feel less ripped off. If you hadn't accidentally left the krono behind I have no doubt that you would have walked away from this scam with my money in hand and not looked back.

You then came back and told me that to get the answer to the secret question I needed to send you the rest of the krono which was you reneging on the revised deal that I only agreed to because I wanted to resolve this as cordially as possible.
Picture attached to verify the seller's explicit assurance that the necro and mage accounts have "full ice encrusted" gear including extra items that could be sold off. The lie couldn't be any more explicit and outright than that.


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Picture attached to verify that after buyer and seller otherwise agreeing to the revised deal the seller then came back again and said that if I want the real answer to the secret question (why did he send me a fake one to begin with?) then I needed to send him the rest of the krono. Me keeping the rest of the krono was part of the revised deal so this represents the seller further trying to manipulate the situation to shift right back to his original scam.


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Picture attached to verify that the revised deal included me only sending him 20 krono back, then him telling me that I need to send the rest of the krono to get the answer to the secret question. I ordered all access and CoV between these two developments. I have plenty of money to buy all access, expansions, etc. I have no need for krono nor do I want to be in the krono business. Again I only accepted this deal because I was in a shitty situation with very little leverage and I just wanted it to be over.


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i also have confirmation emails from daybreak stating the gentleman has moved further into securing the accounts and has reached out to customer service via daybreak website. to change/update all account registration info.. can provide screenshots if needed... we also have couple phone conversations i would be more than happy to provide! thanks!

i havent tried to recover any of my accounts.. at this point i do have no 1100, no accounts kr...
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Just from what I read on the pictures both people posted, no way I would give the guy the krono back before getting refunded something lol. I won't admit I know the difference between gear but it sounds like he advertised toons having cloak of flames and they actually just had FBSS.

If I was the seller, I would be begging the buyer to accept a refund and pretend like our transaction never took place. The buyer feels ripped off and you wanted him to send you the only real collateral. And apparently one of the security answers given wasnt even correct?

If you made the mistake and the toons weren't advertised correctly, take the L and be as friendly as possible and apologize a lot.
Give me the legitimate answer to the secret question and I'll end the dispute so that we can move on. It amazes me that after selling 2 heroic / T1 group geared characters as ice encrusted geared characters and two T3 group geared characters as raid geared characters you don't get that you are the one that can't be trusted. I got scammed and yet I am the only one putting forth any effort to move us on from this mess.

In addition to your original scam you again validated my lack of trust by refusing to give me the answer after I sent you the 20 krono that was supposed to resolve this.

I took action to secure the accounts because I was out $1,100 and in a vulnerable position against someone that had proven that they couldn't be trusted. Until last night you had my $1,100 and still refused to give me the answer to the secret question for the account that I had purchased unless I gave you more money.
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Scam and Fraud
on tuesday you had already changed ALL of my info on the accounts.. all info i would need to recover the accounts.. u have had complete ownership of my toons since sunday.. i havent tried to recover and i wont until i have been advised by an admin here... Your not being honest, the presentation of my toons either.. you logged into my accounts that were set up for Freetoplay.. i made u aware of this.. and u had aknowledged all my raid gear in bags...
the ice encrusted earings- i apologize for as this was my only mistake when providing u with info on accounts but i immediately offered u half my 45kr to make it right.. i want to solve this.. but idk what else i need to do? u have all the balls.. i have nothing.
I can't change the information on the third account because you gave me a fake or wrong answer to the secret question. That means it is still your email and you still know the password. Give me the real answer, I'll drop the dispute, and we can get on with our lives.
As for your claim about me misrepresenting the accounts I'd be willing to give the admins access to the accounts to verify for themselves.
the first time i knew something fishy about this hole thing is he gave tbe krono back , sorry bud you fucked yourself if he shitted you and left 45 krono uh im sorry buddy your screwes
Harassing the staff
So if only the people involved and the mods are allowed to comment or do anything at all. Why even make a public forum for the community to see? Also, a few months ago I distinctly remember everyone and their mom getting involved in my case without anyone stepping in and telling them so shut up or locking the thread/

What makes this scammer so special?
What makes this scammer so special?

I also wonder about this as well. He sold an account with a fraudulent description, refused to give a refund, and if he did, it was only to regain the krono he accidentally left on the account. Then, after selling a bard account for $1,000 and refusing to send the account information over / getting his PayPal charged back from the buyer, he re-posts the exact same Bard. He then receives a 1 day ban for posting yet another account that was deemed to have an Inaccurate Description.

Even if he's not scamming, I think it's safe to say there is absolutely no reason to keep someone like this who repeatedly has bad business reported against him on the forums.
listen it’s been made clear he hasn’t scammed anyone , all I can tell you is that if your going to buy and sell it’s going to have to be to whom you know , because it’s been a rough 2020 and a lot of shady stuff has been let go by

best suggestion , people need to make valuable assessments and buy and sell based off your best judgment if your not comfortable don’t sell or buy , best suggestion I can also give you don’t buy and sell from a PayPal that is attached to a account , prepay your PayPal account go to dollar general buy a PayPal prepaid debit card , so you can load your card , they can’t charge back what isn’t there. Just a fyi
The user was penalized and served their suspension from the site. Their warning points are still active, meaning repeat offenses will increase suspension length until a permanent ban is issued. If you have no idea how our point system works, you may want to familiarize yourself with it before insulting the staff.

Having to explain this over and over causes me more work, so I am now issuing warnings to those repeatedly backseat-moderating this user.
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The shaman account that I bought from this guy just got banned because someone else tried to recover the account. Now out of the 3 accounts that I bought zero were accurately described, 1 is banned, and 1 I still can't take possession of because he can't or won't give me the answer to the secret question. Please categorize this dispute as very not resolved.
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The shaman account that I bought from this guy just got banned because someone else tried to recover the account. Now out of the 3 accounts that I bought zero were accurately described, 1 is banned, and 1 I still can't take possession of because he can't or won't give me the answer to the secret question. Please categorize this dispute as very not resolved.
What evidence do you have that someone else tried to recover?
I'm curious if Hamm3rThor stated he was the original owner when he sold you the account erasimus?

EDIT: Last seen was over two weeks ago.... think he's out for the count.
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@Hamm3rThor have you attempted to help this user recover the account? They need two CC last 4 digits + name, and two SQA.

I also sent Hammer3rThor a text message on 2-22-21. I have not received a response. Per Bridgette I also need his full billing address or she will not unban the account. She said that she will not make any exceptions due to the now obvious degree to which this account has been shared or traded.

I was able to log in to account management once before the account was banned and saw that the email address on the account now is most definitely one of the same email addresses that was on these accounts when they were sold to me. That alone would seem to be very compelling evidence that Hamm3erThor is the culprit.
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I texted @Hamm3rThor as well, if no response in 24 hours we'll close the account, unless you'd like us to leave it open in the hopes of a response.
I'm curious if Hamm3rThor stated he was the original owner when he sold you the account erasimus?

EDIT: Last seen was over two weeks ago.... think he's out for the count.

I don't recall Hamm3rThor claiming to be the original owner, only that the
I texted @Hamm3rThor as well, if no response in 24 hours we'll close the account, unless you'd like us to leave it open in the hopes of a response.

He hasn't shown any interest or effort to help me resolve the necro account over the past two months. I don't expect that he is going to be any more helpful in resolving the shaman, especially since the email that I saw listed on the account before it was banned makes me reasonably confident that he himself tried to recover the account.

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