Looking to trade or sell my 2 separate accounts.
SOLD 57 Rog with Epic, excellent gear a DPS machine. jboots clicky masks etc. SOLD
150.00 | 51 Shm fully geared ready to roll.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both accounts come with email login, eqemulator login, p99 forum login, and NO SMS set.
Buy with confidence as I will give you any RL info you need once purchased and will walk you through entire transfer via skype or phone.
Here is my Rep Link from Playerauctions.com to help verify my sales history and that I am a reputatble buyer / seller
PM me for any questions thanks
SOLD 57 Rog with Epic, excellent gear a DPS machine. jboots clicky masks etc. SOLD
150.00 | 51 Shm fully geared ready to roll.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Both accounts come with email login, eqemulator login, p99 forum login, and NO SMS set.
Buy with confidence as I will give you any RL info you need once purchased and will walk you through entire transfer via skype or phone.
Here is my Rep Link from Playerauctions.com to help verify my sales history and that I am a reputatble buyer / seller
PM me for any questions thanks
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