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Recent content by everquestguy77

  1. everquestguy77

    WTB Aradune  WTB Plat on Aradune.

    Does anyone have any plat laying around on Aradune they'd like to sell? Message me. I work Mon-Thur but I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  2. everquestguy77

    Krono WTS Krono 10 USD Per Any Server! (0 left in stock) - sold out!

    Messaged you. Reply with payment instructions.
  3. everquestguy77

    Service Oakwynd WTS QAKWYND AOE PLing 1-43 43--65 PLing

    Please PM me, looking for a price on a few things.
  4. everquestguy77

    WTB Project 1999 (Green)  P99 Green WTB Plat and gear sets.

    Looking to buy platinum and gear sets on P99 Green. Looking for a full set of gear for SK, Cleric, Shaman, and Necro. Not looking for top-end gear, just decent low-level stuff to start out. Verified only and prefer Paypal. Message with what you have and prices.