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Recent content by selmrm

  1. S

    Service Teek WTS TEEK LVL 1-40 40-60 pling pst

    how much for 16-40
  2. S

    Service Oakwynd  WTS Oakwynd Powerlevel AOE lvl43--lvl65 and AAS(24/7) PST(lvl43-65/3kr)(1kr/35+aas)

    A very experienced team Only kr and paypal are supported my discord is selmr. lvl43-65 50% pot(3kr) 50%pot (1kr=35+aas)
  3. S

    Krono  WTS Krono $11.5ea__inventory:30+__All servers___All time

    Please tell me your server and cartoon name. If I don't reply please add my discord: selmr. Only support paypal transfers to friends and family